Wednesday, August 25, 2010

chemistry problems

Let us learn to solve chemistry problems

The best way to learn chemistry subject is to practice working problems, but it helps to see how each type of problem is solved correctly. Always follow examples of worked chemistry problems. These chemistry problems are arranged alphabetically according to subject matter. Multiple worked examples are given for different types of problems.

Students who are using online tutoring web site materials for self-study it always helps if you include how you would find answer the question & why. That lets me respond to what you are thinking of, lets us focus our reply on where you are having trouble. Further, it gives us a feel for the level at which you are addressing the question -- which may vary depending on your background & course level. The level of discourse -- & your learning of the chemistry subject matter -- is enhanced by trying to focus on reasons, not simply solutions.

The number of molecules in a taster of KOH is 5 x 1023, how many moles is that taster consisting of?

6.022 x 1023 molecules are in one mole of any substance.


5 x 1023 molecules would be in 5 x 1023/6.022 x 1023 moles

= 0.83 moles.

In our next blog we shall learn about corrosion of iron I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

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