Friday, July 16, 2010


Hi Friends

Tell me how many of you like to dress up in front of mirror?

There are 2 types of mirror.

1) A concave mirror
A convex mirror

The Sun is a ball of burning hot gases. It gives off a very bright light. The light travels a distance of 150 million km (93.2 million miles) to reach the Earth. There would be no life on Earth if we did not have sunlight.

The moon does not produce its own light. Moonlight is sunlight that has bounced off the moon!

When light hits a surface, some of it bounces off or is reflected. Mirrors are very shiny surfaces designed to reflect nearly all the light that hits them. When you look in a flat mirror, you see a reflection of yourself which is the same size as you but back to front. When you look in a curved mirror (either concave or convex) your reflection is usually a different shape and size to you

Keep reading and leave your comments.

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